Isaac and Joyce were prowling the open Atlantic, and another Gulf threat may emerge, as a long-feared hurricane season kicked ...
Climate change makes the strongest hurricanes stronger, increases rainfall, increases storm surge damage through sea level ...
A clean energy policy consultant is joining the cast of the hit Netflix reality show “Love is Blind.” Season 7 cast member Taylor Krause, a manager at the clean energy think tank RMI, could bring the ...
The U.S. has committed to cutting its climate-warming emissions to about half of 2005 levels by the end of this decade. Ganatra and his team used computer models to estimate the health benefits of ...
“Puerto Rico, although it doesn’t seem like it, is prepared to withstand blackouts; it’s the daily life that Puerto Ricans have become accustomed to because of the promises of politicians who come to ...
“Puerto Rico aunque no lo parezca estar preparado para soportar apagones, es el diario vivir… al cual los puertorriqueños nos hemos acostumbrado por las promesas de los políticos que llegan al poder”, ...
Ortiz-Otiz: “It helps survivors by guiding them through the necessary steps of filing an appeal and ensuring that they meet FEMA’s requirements for the appeal. So it’s kind of like a guided interview ...
ASHA Netradipa Patil hugs a community member whom she helped recover from depression. (Photo credit: Sanket Jain) ...
A rescue operation led by the volunteers of a local organization in Maharashtra’s Ghalwad village in 2021. (Photo credit: Sanket Jain) ...
Noushadbi Mujawar has created a community health model that helps people in India build resilience amid the rising climate disasters. (Photo credit: Sanket Jain) ...
Visible satellite image of Hurricane Helene at 12:50 p.m. EDT Thursday, September 26, 2024. (Image credit: NOAA/RAMMB/Colorado State University) The climate is changing, and our journalists are here ...