شارك وفد من غرفة عجمان ومجلس سيدات أعمال عجمان في فعاليات المنتدى الاقتصادي الخليجي الأذربيجاني الثاني والذي عُقد في العاصمة ...
The forum aims to provide more than 1,000 job opportunities for women who wish to re-enter the workforce. These opportunities ...
For over a decade, Cityscape Qatar has been the center of real estate trends and insights for investors, buyers, developers ...
The United Arab Emirates, COP28, COP29 Azerbaijan, The World Bank, the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations and ...
The workshop aimed to educate vendors on navigating the registration process and compliance requirements for project ...
Doha: Al Meera Consumer Goods Company (Q.P.S.C.) announces the launch of its much anticipated campaign, Anniversary Festival.
تهدف الدراسة إلى تقديم معلومات للشركات وصناع السياسات والأوساط الأكاديمية والمستثمرين حول محركات اتجاهات الاستهلاك المستدام وعوائقه ...
Coinciding with the UN’s Summit of the Future, the event emphasizes the critical importance of inner development in building ...
The "Diraya" campaign aims to educate banking customers about the critical services available to them, while also enhancing ...
This initiative aligns with Ooredoo’s strategy to foster a transparent, inclusive work environment that supports open communication at all levels ...
Hassan Ismail Alemadi, Senior Director Business Accounts at Ooredoo Qatar, commented: “This collaboration with Schneider ...
The workshop witnessed wide participation and strong engagement from audience and Arabic literature enthusiasts ...