Period blood color variations, such as bright red, brown, or black, are typically normal and reflect changes in menstrual ...
A common vaginal condition known as bacterial vaginosis (BV) may actually be a sexually transmitted infection (STI), ...
Increasing studies, however, have revealed that male partners may carry BV-associated bacteria on the penile skin and in the ...
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are prevalent and often undetected due to mild symptoms. Warning signs include unusual ...
Bacterial vaginosis affects nearly 1 in 3 women of reproductive age. A study adds to evidence it is sexually transmitted, ...
Van Orman recommended using condoms and speaking to one’s health care provider about Pre-exposure prophylaxis if they planned on having new sexual partners over spring break, as Student Health ...
A new study reveals bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a sexually transmitted infection, paving the way for an overhaul in the ...
Bacterial vaginosis, which affects nearly 1 in 3 women, should be considered a sexually transmitted disease, according to a ...
Bacterial vaginosis is a poorly understood infection that affects one in three women and can bring with it uncomfortable ...
A study reveals that bacterial vaginosis (BV), a condition affecting nearly a third of women worldwide and causing ...
For years, bacterial vaginosis has been treated as a simple imbalance in the vaginal microbiome, but a groundbreaking study ...
Bacterial vaginosis, which is caused by bacteria overgrowing in the vagina, can be hard to treat, with women often ...