Deep below the surface of the ocean in the South China Sea, a robot named “discovery” searched the seafloor for life. Faxian, ...
Scientists have identified 866 new species as part of the Ocean Census, a global mission to protect and accelerate the ...
Science and technology editor Tom Clarke has been flying over A23a, the world's largest iceberg, and seen first-hand its vast ...
A newly discovered mechanism could explain the shock finding last year that oxygen is produced by metallic nodules on the ...
The ocean covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but scientists say we have barely scratched the surface of what lives in ...
Scientists have captured photos of litter at the bottom of the Calypso Deep, a trench 16,771ft (5,112m) below the surface of ...
Among seashells, shark teeth, and sea creatures, collectors can add sea glass to the list of items to search for along ...
The first ever assessment of litter in Mediterranean's deepest place located in Greece's eastern Ionian Sea has detected huge ...
If Rockport had a mascot, it would be Motif #1 – the iconic red fishing shack that sits on Bradley Wharf in Rockport Harbor.
A Brit special - an search of a totally tropical adventure, Peter Rickman sets sail on P&O’s flagship Britannia ...