The Republican former senator from Arizona is backing Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Here's why.
This five-day series explores the priorities of voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, ...
For those who lean toward the Democratic Party, understanding Donald Trump’s appeal can be befuddling. Considering his many ...
Maryland’s Future, a deep-pocketed super PAC backing Hogan, the state’s popular former governor, reserved $18 million in airtime during the last six weeks of the race.
In a speech from the Senate floor, the Kentucky Republican bashed fellow members of his party for creating a “cult of ...
Republicans acknowledge that Donald Trump has a problem with women in the presidential race.  But they say it’s not too late ...
In many swing states, the bump in new voters could be what tips the scales for either of the 2024 presidential candidates.
The last time Kelly Ayotte was on the ballot with DonalThe shadow of the presidential race looms over the New Hampshire ...
How could this soap opera, all-too-predictable story of Colorado GOP dysfunction have turned out any other way?
More than a decade after losing a race for the U.S. Senate, former Nevada Congresswoman Shelley Berkley is running for mayor ...
A blizzard of voting lawsuits are landing in swing states in the final weeks before the election. Here’s a guide to the cases ...
Anti-Trump conservatives are serving as emissaries to bring prominent Republicans on board, hoping to influence rank-and-file ...