Here is a sequence of him as he swings down ... Here are Arentz' two exercises and his swing drill to improve this facet of the golf swing. Do multiple reps of each, training in each direction.
Sports such as cricket have explosive, athletic movements when striking or throwing a ball; the use of the body to generate power works in contrast to the stood-still nature of a golf swing. As a ...
Last year we talked about the changes Giancarlo Stanton made to his swing ... Golf Digest Best in State Teacher Joe Pecker explains that nailing your shift-rotate-rise downswing sequence is ...
Many golfers have swing tendencies that, no matter how hard they try, they can’t get rid of. That’s why in this Golf Digest+ series, Matchmakers, I’m teaching you how to play with what you ...
Adopt an athletic golf posture holding a sock at each end and maintain that tension. From the address position, with arms hanging down, make a smooth full turn and keep hold of that tension. If you ...