As a descendant of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee’s family, I have borne the weight and responsibility of that lineage. Even though my parents never pushed it or subscribed to all that it could ...
Mary's father, George Washington Park Custis, dies, leaving Robert E. Lee the executor of his estate. Lee returns to Virginia to temporarily manage the family estate, and finds his father-in-law ...
the house is now associated more with the man who married into the family and lived there for 30 years — Civil War General Robert E. Lee. Congress dedicated the Arlington House in 1925 to honor Robert ...
Christopher Graham’s book focuses on the racism of one Virginia congregation. It will challenge all those who cause harm in ...
Regarded as the war’s finest general, Robert E. Lee was a master of the organization ... President of Washington College after the war, he lost his family home, Arlington, now the nation ...