The Indian National Congress inaugurated its new headquarters, Indira Bhawan, symbolizing its rich history and commitment to democracy. Designed by Hafeez Contractor, the structure celebrates the ...
Barely a week after the session ended, a Calcutta newspaper, The Indian mirror, wrote, the first national congress at Bombay forms an important chapter in the history of British rule in India.
Indira Bhawan, the new Congress headquarters in Delhi, strives to balance the past and the present. Amidst Ikea furniture and energy efficient fittings, the building recollects the party’s ...
The new Congress headquarters was inaugurated on 15 January by Sonia Gandhi, as the grand old party turned a page in its ...
The Congress party's shift to Indira Gandhi Bhawan marks a significant moment in its history, raising questions about its future as it faces challenges in upcoming elections.
Indian National Congress was founded by retired British Civil Servant Allan Octavian Hume on December 28, 1885. The first session of the Indian National Congress was conducted in Bombay from ...
The Congress headquarters was inaugurated on Wednesday, as the grand old party turned a page in its history after operating ...